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13 Tips for Authors: How to Make the Best of Your Social Distancing Time

By April 15, 2020January 30th, 2024

Social Distancing Tips

We collected some tips that may help you make productive use of this time. If they become a part of your everyday routine even after the coronavirus crisis you can thank us. 😄

#1: Look for something positive each day.

Tired of watching the news? Us too…. Now is a great time to escape into fiction.

#2: Smile.

Here’s something to make you laugh: Toilet Paper Alternatives.

#3: Be fully BOOKED.

Project Muse offers free access to books and audiobooks, including literary classics. Free Resources on MUSE During COVID-19.

#4. Too stressed to sit still and read? Audiobooks to the rescue.

Some of our (admittedly biased) recommendations:
Born Slippy
Planting Wolves
Money Matters

#5. Try book bingo.

It can help you track your progress and keep your reading fun and varied.

Book Bingo for readers

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#6. Binge listen to podcasts.

Here are some incredibly entertaining podcasts you could try. Don’t blame us if you can’t stop: 17 Storytelling Podcasts To Binge-Listen.

#7: Virtual Event, Livestream, or both?

Don’t let this period stop you from promoting your work. Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and Zoom are at your disposal. Or attend other authors’ events.

Jon Wiener and Mike Davis discussed their new book, Set the Night on Fire: L.A. in the Sixties, a radical movement history, and its many resonances for urban communities today and the recent effects of COVID-19 on Los Angeles. Watch it on YouTube. (Discussion starts at the 33:53 mark)

#8: See what inspires other writers.

Here, writers share everything-anything that helped them along their journey: Writers Recommend.

#9: Movie cheat time!

Watch short films, cartoons, or books turned into movies or movies turned into books. It could be the creative antidote you need to refresh your imagination.

#10: How about binge reading comics?

#11: Expand your skills.

The LA Times had an article about 50 skills you could learn from home, and we highly recommend these: 50 life skills you can learn online — for free! — during self-quarantine.

#12: Write letters to your family or friends.

Or thank you notes to the healthcare workers fighting this disease on the front lines and the service and the delivery people who make it possible for the rest of us to stay home.

#13: Music. It calms the soul. 🎵

Are you curious about what your favorite authors are listening to in these uncertain times? It’s not hard to find their playlists. Check out Laila Lalami’s here: Just Press Play with Laila Lalami.

As we all go through this unpreceded time, let us make the best of it. If you have any tips that are helping you manage the chaos, we would love to hear them.

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