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A New Coriolis Client: Julie Edelman

By July 20, 2024September 19th, 2024Authors, Coriolis Clients, Currently Promoting

Julie Edelman

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We’re proud to start promoting and publicizing The Accidental Sisterhood by lifestyle expert and best-selling author Julie Edelman.

Julie is the bestselling author of The Accidental Housewife: How to Overcome Housekeeping Hysteria One Task at a Time. A book written as she went through a series of life-changing detours—love, marriage and a baby carriage.  Stressed, guilt-ridden and struggling to balance her home, family and sanity with her multiple roles and responsibilities as a wife, mother, and advertising executive, Julie navigated these detours by developing and testing simple off-beat home-keeping tips and sprinkling them with her trademark humor and positivity. She then put them into a book, The Accidental Housewife. Before long, Julie built both a community of like-minded women and became a sought-after home-keeping contributor and go to gal appearing regularly on The Today Show, The View, Rachael Ray, The Drs, Fox and Friends, iHeart Radio and ABC Audio Networks.

Julie’s next detour came in the winter of 2023 when she was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer. Grateful she discovered it early and now over a year in remission she regards herself as one of the lucky ones. Julie navigated this journey with the the same positivity and humor (in high heels too!) that she embraced during her accidental housewifely detour. But this time Julie also realized a dream: She wrote her first women’s fiction novel, The Accidental Sisterhood. A book Jenna Blum, New York Times bestselling author describes as— “Witty and unexpected. Think Liane Moriarty’s Big Little Lies with a Dexterized dash of Sex in the City.”

The Accidental Sisterhood marks Julie’s return to the spotlight and her passion to inspire others as they go through life’s unexpected and accidental detours. She is continuing to do this in media appearances and speaking publicly about the power of positivity and sisterhood, and turning life-changing detours into dreams, no matter how big or little. Julie is an advocate for the Moffitt Cancer Center and was their featured survivor speaker at its 2024 National Board of Director’s Meeting and keynote speaker at Hooter’s 2024 Woman’s International Day luncheon.

Julie lives in St. Petersburg Florida close to her son Luke. He is her beacon of light and the ultimate acknowledgment of a blessed life, loved and lived fully. . . And never giving up.

The Accidental Sisterhood

The Accidental Sisterhood centers on Jules Malone, a middle-aged divorcee who, when the novel opens, thinks she is done with love. She has struck out with an abusive early boyfriend and an ex-husband she co-parents with but has no romantic interest. Jules is happy being a New York Times bestselling author of a novel called The Accidental Housewife (yes, the book is a little meta!), her weekly lifestyle gig on the Today Show, and being a devoted mom to Max, her on-the-spectrum-son. But one Christmas Eve, Jules walks into a bar and encounters Sean, a twinkly-eyed charmer who impresses her with his smile and wine wisdom. The two start dating. Sean ignites a passion in Jules that she has never experienced. She tries to resist it, fearful of another relationship failure, but eventually, her unrelenting desire gives in. Before long Sean and she are spending all her non-Max time together and proclaiming their unconditional love for one another. Jules is feeling confident that Sean’s the one despite some erratic behavior on his part. He is often missing her calls, changing plans to be with her and hanging up quickly when she enters the room.

One night after attending a charity meeting, Jules comes home as planned to celebrate their third anniversary. Sean is not there. Blood is everywhere. Frantic, she is about to call 911 when she hears a phone ringing on her lanai. It is Sean’s. By the time she gets to it, the caller has hung up. Multiple texts followed. Here begins Jules’s discoveries that she is one of a quartet of women sharing full lives with Sean— one of whom is still his wife and another who is planning to have a child with him. And so, too, begins their journey to avenge him amidst tears, anger, laughter, cocktails, and with the power of sisterhood.

Stay tuned for updates!

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