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What You Need to Have Before Publishing Your Book

By April 17, 2019October 24th, 2022Book Promotion Tips,

Establishing Your Author Platform Before Book Publishing

Do you have...

  •  A strong author brand?
  •  A professional author site?
  •  A growing email list?
  •  An active online presence?
  •  Measurable goals?

The above are some things I believe you absolutely must have in place before publishing your book, especially if you’re self-publishing. Not everyone agrees with me. You’ll always find people who will tell you that they don’t believe in email lists, that social media doesn’t sell books, that an author website is self-indulgent, etc. I say to each their own, but if you want to give your book the best chance of sales, you should seriously consider having all of the above.

A strong and consistent author brand

You already have a voice as an author. The next step is to cultivate your online personality. Some authors choose to be themselves online, while some create a different persona or only show a particular side of themselves. You get to choose whichever path you want to take, and it’s totally normal if you want to keep your privacy. There’s no “right way” to brand yourself or a formula that works for everybody. The most important thing is to keep your brand consistent. Consider using the same handle for your URL and social accounts. Have a professional author headshot taken and use the same photo across all platforms. Make it easy for your fans to recognize you.

A substantial email list

Email is a more stable communication method, where you’re not subject to any other platform’s rules and guidelines or their algorithms. Email also gives you a wide reach and full control of your content. Having a newsletter creates a more personal relationship with your readers and is less likely to be ignored than social media posts. Services such as MailChimp (which is what I am using to reach you) make it easy to build and manage an email list.

An active online presence

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, the list goes on. These days, having an active presence on social media is no longer an option but a necessity. You don’t have to be active on all social networks, and it’s better to focus on one or two rather than spreading yourself thin across multiple platforms. So, which one is right for you? Consider who you want to connect with, and how you want to communicate with them. Facebook and Twitter have the largest communities of writers, but if you prefer other networks, give them a shot. If you’re more visual, try Instagram, Pinterest, or YouTube.

Set goals and track your progress

What is your goal with all of this? Are you hoping to launch your book as an Amazon bestseller? Or would you like to bump up an older title’s sales? Are you looking to connect with the writing and reading community for fun? Whatever your goal is, find a way to track it, otherwise, how will you know when you’ve reached it? Will you be happy when you have a 7-page website that ranks #1 on Google for your name? Or when you have 1,500 people on your mailing list? Or when you have 3,000 followers on Instagram? Or when your book sales double due to your efforts? Set goals so you can track your progress. I am rooting for you!

~ Nanda

Writers Conferences

If you want to improve your craft and meet like-minded people, we  recommend attending these conferences:

LA Literary Events

These are the Los Angeles based events we recommend attending. Be a good literary citizen and support your fellow authors:

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