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Currently Promoting: Who Hears Here? On Black Music, Pasts and Present

By October 5, 2022March 22nd, 2023Coriolis Clients, Currently Promoting

Who Hears Here? On Black Music, Pasts and Present

Who Hears Here book cover, Guthrie Ramsey

We are very happy to promote Who Hears Here? On Black Music, Pasts and Present by author and professor Guthrie P. Ramsey, Jr., forthcoming by the University of California Press on October 11, 2022.

About the book:

Guthrie P. Ramsey, Jr., is an award-winning musicologist, music historian, composer, and pianist whose prescient theoretical and critical interventions have bridged Black cultural studies and musicology. Representing twenty-five years of commentary and scholarship, these essays document Dr. Ramsey’s search to understand America’s Black musical past and present and to find his own voice as an African American writer in the field of musicology. This far-reaching collection embraces historiography, ethnography, cultural criticism, musical analysis, and autobiography, traversing the landscape of Black musical expression from sacred music to art music, and jazz to hip-hop. Taken together, these essays and the provocative introduction that precedes them are testament to the legacy work that has come to define a field, as well as a rousing call to readers to continue to ask the hard questions and write the hard truths.

About the author:

A Guggenheim Fellow and a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Guthrie P. Ramsey, Jr. is a prize-winning music historian, pianist, composer. He is Professor Emeritus of Music at the University of Pennsylvania.

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