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Don’t Just Pitch Your Book…

By November 16, 2022December 2nd, 2022Book Promotion Tips,

Don’t Just Pitch Your Book...

What information can you provide the media that will be valuable to their audience?

Pitches that focus on your book rarely work. You have to find a reason why you/your book should be given any media space.

Coriolis client Dr. Obery M. Hendricks’s interview with Rev. Al Sharpton about a trending news item at the time

You have to find a reason why you/your book should be given any media space. Here are a few points to think about:
* What currently trending news item does your book relate to?
* Is your book relevant to a local audience?
* How does your book help people?

Monitor News Trends

Submit story ideas related to news trends, tying in your expertise, and through that your book.

Some challenging things about creating a pitch are making sure that your book stands out as a fresh read and that you stand out as a skilled writer.

A quote from Coriolis client Dr. Tara T. Green’s interview on Queer Forty

One way to do this is to make your pitch contemporarily relevant. Monitoring news trends and submitting story ideas related to them is a method of ensuring that your book will be perceived as pertinent by potential readers.

By tying in your expertise on the trends linked to your pitch, you will show your competence as a well-informed and thoughtful writer, and through that the value of your book will shine.

Make Your Book Newsworthy

What’s the scoop on sharing news about your book? It’s simple: Make your book newsworthy by tying it to current trends/events.

Remember to take some hints from news formatting as well. Keep your pitches concise yet eye-catching while making sure to link to any other relevant sources.

If you are working with a publicist, ask about their pitch. See if you can use it.

Ask about the list they’ve put together for your book. See if you can create your own (avoiding anyone they’d already pitched.)
Ask about following up. They can suggest the right language.

And lastly, ask about the results. Don’t wonder. If they have case studies, check those out. Regular reports should be standard in the industry, but unfortunately not everyone delivers them. We update clients about their progress and deliver results every Friday.

Clients’ book publicity case studies on the Coriolis Company website

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