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LARB Margaret Atwood Luminary Dinner Case Study

On February 3, 2019, the Los Angeles Review of Books (LARB), a 501(c)(3) literary nonprofit organization, hosted the Canadian novelist, poet, critic, and environmental activist Margaret Atwood for an evening in Los Angeles, in the Highland Park home of author and religious scholar Reza Aslan and speaker and entrepreneur Jessica Jackley.

They needed sponsors in order to be able to stage this evening. They also wanted to ensure a full house. Coriolis reached out to companies we believed would be a good fit and found Hulu, MGM, Doubleday, and Anchor Books as event sponsors. We also promoted the event to potential guests.

The event sold out in advance and was a great success! We were happy to have met LARB’s fundraising goal for this event.

Please read the case study below to learn about how we promoted the LARB Margaret Atwood Luminary Dinner and how we could help you, too.

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