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Nanda Dyssou's Media Training Workshops at Coriolis Company

Dear Professors, Researchers, and Thought Leaders,

I am excited to work with you and/or your department/company to help amplify your voices and ensure your groundbreaking research receives the recognition it deserves. Nanda Dyssou specializes in empowering academics through group workshops tailored to your unique needs.

Why Media Training?

Media training can transform you from an information resource into a captivating guest. Nanda’s workshops are designed to help you deliver unforgettable interviews, no matter the format. Here’s how she can help you achieve media mastery:

  • Handle Any Question: Learn how to respond confidently, even when faced with unexpected or challenging questions.
  • Engage Your Audience: Present your research in a storytelling mode that captivates and informs.
  • Master Quick Interviews: Deliver impactful radio spots, even with limited time.
  • Podcast Success: Discover the top secrets to creating engaging and memorable podcast episodes.
  • TV Presence: Make your TV appearances visually appealing and audience-focused.
  • Enjoy the Process: Have fun during your interviews, creating an enjoyable experience for both you and your audience.

What You Will Learn

Nanda’s media training sessions cover a comprehensive range of skills, ensuring you are prepared for any media interaction:

  • Define Your Key Messages: Identify and articulate your three most important points in any interview.
  • Flexible Story Angles: Uncover new ways to present your research and ideas.
  • Elegant Segues: Learn to steer the conversation towards your desired topics smoothly.
  • Effective Soundbites: Craft memorable soundbites that highlight your work and expertise.
  • Interview Types: Understand the nuances between fiction and non-fiction interviews and how to approach each.
  • Simplify Your Message: Avoid jargon and make your message accessible to a broad audience.
  • Tailored Interviews: Adapt your approach for local or national media outlets.
  • Handle Difficult Questions: Deflect or redirect questions seamlessly.
  • Public vs. Peer Talk: Transition effortlessly from academic discussions to public-friendly conversations.
  • Visual Engagement: Enhance your TV segments with compelling visuals.
  • Body Language: Learn effective body language techniques for TV interviews.
  • Radio Essentials: Understand what radio hosts look for in a standout guest.
  • Topical Relevance: Connect your research to current events and trends.
  • Craft a Compelling Narrative: Weave your data and research findings into a captivating story that resonates with a broad audience.
  • Preemptive Answers: Develop strategies to anticipate and answer difficult questions before they’re even asked.
  • Voice Modulation: Master the art of using tone and pitch to emphasize key points and maintain listener interest.
  • Visual Cues: Discover how to use subtle visual cues to guide the interviewer and audience’s attention.
  • Engage Non-Verbal Audience: Learn techniques to engage audiences who may not be physically present, such as remote viewers or listeners.
  • Media-Specific Preparation: Tailor your preparation for different types of media, from print to digital to live broadcast.
  • Effective Rehearsal Techniques: Practice with simulated interviews to refine your delivery and content under realistic conditions.
  • Handling Technical Issues: Gain confidence in managing unexpected technical glitches during live interviews.
  • Feedback Utilization: Learn how to use post-interview feedback constructively to improve future performances.
  • Maximizing Media Exposure: Understand how to leverage multiple media appearances to build a consistent and compelling public profile.

Record and Review

All training sessions will be recorded, providing you with a valuable resource to revisit and refine your skills. You will receive a copy of the recording to ensure continuous improvement. If you’d like to book future follow-up sessions, you can do so on a prioritized timeline.

Why Choose Nanda Dyssou’s Media Training?

Nanda brings extensive experience in media, investor relations, and corporate communications. Her expertise ensures you receive the most effective and relevant training available.

Live Training for Immediate Impact

Live media training offers instant feedback and personalized guidance, making it the most effective way to build your skills quickly. Nanda’s workshops provide real-time coaching, helping you to refine your techniques and achieve immediate improvements.

Ready to Enhance Your Media Skills?

If you’re ready to take your media presence to the next level, join Nanda Dyssou’s live media training workshops. Fill out the form to get started, and we’ll share the dates for our upcoming sessions.


Nanda Dyssou
Founder and Lead Strategist
Coriolis Company

$5,000 / Full Day

If travel is required, additional expenses will apply.

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Who You'll Work With

Nanda Dyssou

Founder and Lead Strategist at Coriolis Company

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Reach out now and embark on the journey of maximizing your impact with Coriolis!

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