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Neda Disney Planting Wolves Book Launch Event

By November 15, 2019October 24th, 2022Authors, Book Launch, Coriolis Clients

Planting Wolves by Neda Disney

Neda Disney’s debut novel Planting Wolves was released on November 4, 2019.

Planting Wolves has been receiving accolades. It was described as “a surreal and darkly funny experimental debut novel-in-stories about artists wrestling with addiction and sexual frustration in Los Angeles” by Kirkus Reviews. The Seattle Book Review called it “a beautifully written masterpiece.” Here is a short description of the book:

A writer in a purgatory bar, an art collecting housewife who time travels, a movie Production Assistant with stigmata, a codependent AA sponsor, a sex addict, a movie star with issues, a two-time liver transplant recipient and an abusive TV costumer who gets what’s coming to her. All connected to one another but completely and utterly alone.

It’s available as an ebook, audiobook, paperback, and hardcover on Amazon, Barnes and Noble stores, as well as many local bookstores.

Buy Planting Wolves

Book Launch Event at Small World Books

Planting Wolves Book Launch Flyer created by Coriolis Company, Book Marketing Plan

Planting Wolves book launch flyer created by Coriolis Company

We set up Neda’s fist reading at Small World Books in Venice, California.

We created pre-launch marketing materials for Neda, like the flyer above, so she could share the event with her network, friends, and followers. Coriolis designed several bookmarks, and these are just a few versions of them.

We assisted Neda in preparing for the event, and on November 14th, we were there to help set up. Our founder Nanda Dyssou organized the displays, took photos, videos, and saw to it that everything went smoothly. Here are some photos taken at the book launch.

Planting Wolves on display at Small World Books, Neda Disney author event

Planting Wolves on display at Small World Books

The bookmarks and flyer Coriolis Company made for the book launch

The bookmarks and flyer Coriolis Company made for the book launch

Neda Disney at Small World Books in Venice CA

Neda Disney at Small World Books in Venice, California

Neda read from Planting Wolves and answered questions from the audience. Afterward, she signed copies that were purchased in-store. If you missed the reading, a few signed copies of Planting Wolves are still available for purchase in Small World Books.

Neda Disney Reading from Planting Wolves

Neda Disney reading from Planting Wolves

Neda Disney Answering Questions

Neda Disney answering questions from the audience

Neda Disney Planting Wolves Book Signing at Small World Books

Neda Disney signing a copy of Planting Wolves for one of the guests

Neda Disney Planting Wolves Book Signing at Small World Books Venice CA

Neda Disney signing more copies of Planting Wolves at Small World Books

Forthcoming Events

The following author events with Neda Disney are still to come:

Flintridge Bookstore & Coffeehouse, Flintridge – November 30, 2019
Barnes & Noble, Palmdale – December 18, 2019
Barnes & Noble, Huntington Beach – January 10, 2020
Barnes & Noble, Fashion Island – January 17, 2020
The Last Bookstore, Los Angeles – January 21, 2020
Vroman’s Bookstore, Pasadena – January 26, 2020
Skylight Books, Los Angeles – March 10, 2020

For more news and updates regarding Neda’s upcoming events, you can follow @planting_wolves on Instagram or keep an eye on her website where events are regularly posted.

To read our case study about Neda’s book publicity click here.

You can get Planting Wolves as an ebook, audiobook, paperback, or hardcover here:

Available now on Amazon

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