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Podcasts for Authors

By August 21, 2019October 24th, 2022Book Promotion Tips,

How Can Authors Use Podcasts to Sell More Books?

Podcasts have gained popularity over the last decade. According to statistics, there are currently 700,000 active podcasts in 2019, up from 550,000 in 2018. As an author, podcasts are a great platform to create a fan base and sell your book. You could start your own podcast or be a guest on someone else’s. I’ll talk about both here, as either of those paths could help you sell more books.

Create a connection

Coriolis Company book publicity- create a connection

Podcasts create an excellent opportunity for an author to connect with their audience. Most people view their favorite podcaster as trusted sources of buying recommendations, and your book is no exception. Whether you run your own podcast or get on someone else’s, recommending your book to the audience will lead to sales.

Consistency is key

Coriolis Company book publicity- consistency is key

Just like every other type of content, consistency is the key to success. It doesn’t only mean the frequency of the podcasts, but the format and topics of your podcast. People love tuning in to podcasts where they know what to expect. If you speak about the weather today and politics tomorrow, you’ll lose your listeners. So keep your podcast consistent and also choose the podcasts you guest star on carefully.

Know your audience

Coriolis Company book publicity- know your audience

Understanding your audience is a critical aspect in marketing. Does your audience consist of readers or fellow writers? Do they want to hear about the writing process or the book’s content only? What other genres do they read? The more you know your audience, the higher your chance of getting through to them and selling them your books.

Collaborate with other like-minded podcasters

Coriolis Company book publicity-collaborate with other like-minded podcasters

Guest appearances on podcasts broadcasting to an audience similar to yours is a great way to grow your fan base. As the guest, it’s essential to add value and over-deliver to the listeners. The goal is to warm up to the new audience at first and get them to trust you before selling them your books.

Give a sneak peek

Coriolis Company book publicity- give a sneak peak

Your listeners view you as a trusted resource, or an entertainer, or even a friend, so whenever you have a new book in the works, it’s nice to give them a sneak peek of it. A small excerpt should arouse their curiosity.

Align your podcast format with your goals

Coriolis Company book publicity- align your podcast format with your goals

If one of your goals is to sell your books, your podcast should follow a format that’s relatable to readers and book lovers. Creating the right format for your podcast boils down to how much you know your audience. If you have your audience figured out down to a tee, then it’ll be easy to create personalized content and ultimately sell more books.

Invest in quality

Coriolis Company book publicity- invest in quality

Although starting a podcast is relatively inexpensive, the kind of equipment you use and the amount you invest is proportionate to your podcast’s quality. The higher the quality, the higher the likelihood of your listeners tuning in every time.

Create a community

Coriolis Company book publicity- create a community

One of the reasons why podcasting has become so popular is the sense of community associated with it. As a podcaster, you can create a community of loyal readers through your podcast. You can then sell your books to members of your community.

Build a brand

Coriolis Company book publicity- build a brand

Building a brand is a great way to amass a loyal fan base. When you have a recognizable brand voice, listeners will trust you and buy from you.

Hosting guests

Coriolis Company book publicity- hosting guests

Each guest you host brings along their fan base to your podcast. By hosting the right guests, you can broaden your reach and introduce your book to more potential readers.

Podcasts are undeniably powerful marketing tools for authors. People are leaning more towards audio media than video since it’s less disruptive and can be listened to while driving or doing chores. As podcasts gain popularity, their effectiveness as marketing tools will also increase. I hope these tips about using podcasts to sell more books will help you along your book marketing journey.

~ Nanda

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