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Coriolis Case Study: Susan Kaiser Greenland

By June 22, 2019October 24th, 2022Authors, Case Study, Coriolis Clients

Susan Kaiser Greenland

In this case study you will see how we helped author, mindfulness expert, Inner Kids co-founder, and Coriolis client Dr. Susan Kaiser Greenland with social media management (among other services). You can see the full list of our offerings on our Services page.

The Client

Dr. Kaiser Greenland turned to us because she wanted her personal social media accounts, as well as her brand Inner Kids’ accounts to be more active in terms of posting frequency.

We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all method so, as always, we started by analyzing Dr. Susan Kaiser Greenland’s social media presence.

She had 7 accounts:

  • personal Facebook
  • personal Twitter
  • personal Instagram
  • professional LinkedIn
  • business Facebook
  • business Twitter
  • and business Instagram.
Link to Susan Kaiser Greenland's Facebook Page, Book Publicity, Coriolis Client, Book Marketing Plan

Dr. Susan Kaiser Greenland’s Facebook Page

Link to Susan Kaiser Greenland's Twitter, Book Marketing Plan, Book Publicity, Coriolis

Dr. Kaiser Greenland’s Twitter (@susankgreenland)

Link to Susan Kaiser Greenland's Instagram, Book Marketing Plan, Coriolis Book Publicity

Dr. Kaiser Greenland’s Instagram (@susankaisergreenland)

Link to Susan Kaiser Greenland's LinkedIn, Book Marketing Plan, Book Publicity, Coriolis

Dr. Kaiser Greenland’s LinkedIn

Link to Inner Kids' Facebook Page, Coriolis Book Marketing Plan

Inner Kids Facebook Page

Link to Inner Kids' Twitter

Inner Kids’ Twitter (@InnerKids)

Link to InnerKids' Instagram, Coriolis Book Marketing Plan

InnerKids’ Instagram (@innerkids)

The Goal

Next, we consulted Dr. Kaiser Greenland about her goals. She wanted to promote her books:

Dr. Kaiser Greenland wanted her personal social media accounts, as well as Inner Kids’, to be more active in terms of posting frequency.

After some deliberation, we created a content calendar, which outlined how often each type of post should be scheduled for each of Dr. Kaiser Greenland’s seven accounts.

Working on Susan's post scheduling on Hootsuite, Book Marketing Plan, Book Publicity

Our Work

The Research Phase

We ran a number of reports to determine:

  • Current reach
  • Current posting frequency
  • Ideal posting times
  • and more

Checking Susan's tasks on Asana on a laptop

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The most popular pages and posts on Dr. Kaiser Greenland’s website,

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We checked what keywords Dr. Kaiser Greenland’s site was ranking for, and we found who her unique competitors were.

*Confidential information has been hidden to protect Dr. Kaiser Greenland's privacy.

Based on these, we created a social media strategy for Dr. Kaiser Greenland.


We worked in 15-day batches and scheduled 100-150 posts for each batch. We used Hootsuite for this, to allow Dr. Kaiser Greenland to easily track what posts were created, drafted for review, and ready for her approval. We made changes to posts as necessary, to match her established tone.


After each 15-day period, we sent a detailed social media analytics report to Dr. Kaiser Greenland about the number and times of her posts, her current follower count, and engagement.

Monitoring Susan's Twitter and Instagram accounts on two monitors

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Work in Progress

Currently, we are working on further promoting Dr. Susan Kaiser Greenland’s books and teaching collaborations, as well as optimizing her social media presence.

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