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Obery Hendricks — Christians Against Christianity Book Publicity Case Study

By January 22, 2022May 16th, 2023Case Study, Coriolis Clients, Publishers

Obery Hendricks — Christians Against Christianity

This book publicity case study outlines the work Coriolis Company performed for Rev. Dr. Obery M. Hendricks Jr.‘s book, Christians Against Christianity: How Right-Wing Evangelicals Are Destroying Our Nation and Our Faith, published by Beacon Press on July 6, 2021. Christians Against Christianity is a timely and galvanizing work that examines how right-wing evangelical Christians have veered from an admirable faith to a pernicious, destructive ideology.


August 5, 2021, Author Interview with Dr. Obery M. Hendricks Jr, Christians Against Christianity, Zoom Live hosted by Rethinking Church Strategies

September 6, 2021, Book Launch: Christians Against Christianity, Zoom Live hosted by Book Culture Bookstore

October 2, 2021, TFAM Leadership Summit 2021 Conversation with Dr Keri Day and Dr Obery Hendricks, Youtube Live hosted by The Fellowship of Affirming Ministries

October 7, 2021, Dr. Obery Hendricks presents Christians Against Christianity: How Right-Wing Evangelicals Are Destroying Our Nation and Our Faith, in conversation with Rev. Patrick Clayborn, Ph.D., pastor of Bethel AME Church, hosted by Red Emma’s Bookstore Coffeehouse, Baltimore, MD

October 19, 2021, The Profound Wisdom of Black Life: A Conversation Between Farah Jasmine Griffin and Obery Hendricks, Zoom Live hosted by The Graduate Center at CUNY’s Intellectual Publics

October 25, 2021, “Christians Against Christianity: A Critical Conversation with Dr. Obery Hendricks,” Facebook Live hosted by Global Pentecostal Perspectives

October 28, 2021, “Beyond the Pews” featuring a conversation with Dr. Obery Hendricks, Jr., Zoom Live hosted by Mother Bethel AME Church

November 19, 2021, Meet the Author: Christians Against Christianity with DeMarco Davidson, Youtube Live hosted by SJUCC

December 1, 2021, Christians Against Christianity with Dr. Obery Hendricks, Black Students’ Organization of Columbia University, New York City, NY

December 9, 2021, Dr. Obery M. Hendricks Jr. in a discussion on his latest book Christians Against Christianity with Dr. Stephanie Rose Spaulding and Dr. Gary Percesepe, Zoom Live hosted by Nurturing Justice

December 16, 2021, The Oppressive Christology: The White Jesus (Panel), 2021 Conference of National Black Churches Annual Consultation

January 22, 2022, Can we bridge the Christian Divide? hosted by Spirit Talk, Peekskill, NY


July 22, 2021, “Obery Hendricks on Tavis Smiley July 22 2021,” KBLA

August 22, 2021, “Obery Hendricks (Christians Against Christianity)” with John Snider, American Freethought Podcast

August 24, 2021, “Christians Against Christianity: Conversation with Obery M. Hendricks Jr., Ph.D.” with Jaye Pool, Potstirrer Podcast

September 5, 2021, “Episode 177: Obery M. Hendricks, Jr. – Social Justice & the Radical Gospel” with Pete Enns and Jared Byas, The Bible for Normal People Podcast

September 12, 2021, Obery Hendricks joins Al Sharpton on Politics Nation, MSNBC

September 15, 2021, “Christians Against Christianity: How Right-Wing Evangelicals are destroying our Nation and our Faith. In conversation with Dr. Obery Hendricks.” with Jim Herlihy, The San Francisco Experience Podcast

October 6, 2021, “Christians Against Christianity with Dr. Obery Hendricks” with Jarrod McKenna and Drew Hart, InVerse Podcast

October 12, 2021, “Obery M. Hendricks, author of Christians Against Christianity” with Dr. Stephen Backhouse, Tent Theology Podcast

November 8, 2021, “Christians Against Christianity – A Conversation with Dr. Obery Hendericks” with Dr. Robyn Henderson-Espinoza and Rev. Anna Golladay, Activist Theology Podcast

November 16, 2021, “Christians Against Christian Supremacy -with Dr. Obery Hendricks” with Bradley Onishi, Straight White American Jesus Podcast

November 19, 2021, “Reclaiming the Faith with Dr. Obery Hendricks, author of Christians Against Christianity: How Right-Wing Evangelicals Are Destroying Our Nation and Our Faith” with Emelda De Coteau and Trudy Leocadio, Pray With Our Feet Podcast

January 1, 2022, “Dr. Obery Hendricks on Christians Against Christianity” with Danny Franzese and Azariah Southworth, Yass, Jesus! Podcast

January 5, 2022, “Obery Hendricks on Christians Against Christianity” with Brian Kaylor, Dangerous Dogma

January 17, 2022, “Season 6 Episode 1: Dr. Obery Hendricks” with Rev. Rob Henderson and Canon Kevin George, The Vicars’ Crossing

January 31, 2022, “Christians Against Christianity – with Dr Obery Hendricks” with Michael Frost, In the Shift

February 8, 2022, “The Fight for America’s Soul with Scholar Obery Hendricks” with Omkari Williams, Stepping Into Truth: Conversations on Social Justice and How We Get Free

February 15, 2022, “Obery Hendricks Thinks Marxist Analysis Can Help Christians” by Josiah Daniels, Sojourners

February 22, 2022, “Episode 172: Christians Against Christianity” with Meghan Tschanz, Faith and Feminism

February 23, 2022, “Common Good Faith – How Right-Wing Evangelicals Are Destroying Our Nation and Our Faith with Dr. Obery Hendricks” with Rabbi Miriam Terlinchamp, Common Good Podcast

March 1, 2022, “On American Spirituality and The Black Church Featuring Dr. Obery Hendricks” with Erik R Fleming, A Moment with Erik Fleming

March 8, 2022, “Obery Hendricks: Christian activism includes setting the record straight on Christianity” with Chris Karnadi, Faith and Leadership

May 17, 2022, “S2:E38 Christians Against Christianity with Dr. Obery M. Hendricks, Jr.” with Christopher and Maggie, Spiritual Directors Talking About Stuff

June 12, 2022, “Christians Against Christianity w/ Dr. Obery M. Hendricks, Jr. (Moment of Now Series, Part 2)” with Tommy Allgood, Olivia Bethea, and Becka Eppley, Permission To Be


Trade Reviews

“A Bargain With The Devil: A Religious Scholar Offers A Searing Critique Of American Evangelicalism’s Embrace Of Right-Wing Politics” by Brian Kaylor, Americans United

“Review: Christians Against Christianity: How Right-Wing Evangelicals are Destroying Our Nation and Our Faith” by Carolyn Custis James, JofUM

“‘Christians Against Christianity’ Takes Right-Wing Evangelicals To Task” by Scott Moncrieff, Spectrum Magazine

“The Arbiter of Authentic Christianity” by Noah Berlatsky, Los Angeles Review of Books

“Obery Hendricks Condemns The Sins Of Right-Wing Evangelicalism” by Martin Thielen, Christian Century

Customer Reviews


September 1, 2021, “Great New Books (September 2021),” So What Faith

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